KCDC is currently consulting on a range of issues that impact on health and well-being, including alcohol and smoking/vaping. KHAG saw an opportunity to encourage KCDC to work with other Councils in our region and with the Wellington Regional Public Health Authority on these matters. We moved the following at our September meeting, and it became our first recommendation as part of KCDC:
“We NOTE that more than 30% of deaths from preventable diseases in New Zealand arise from factors that Kāpiti Coast District Council has the ability to influence, specifically alcohol, smoking, unhealthy foods and eating habits.
We RECOMMEND that Kāpiti Coast District Council investigates working with other Councils in our Region and the Wellington Regional Health Authority to develop regional strategies, plans and approaches that create an environment where it is easy to say “Yes” to healthy choices, this through a coordinated regional approach.
We envisage that this will include Local Alcohol Policies that provide our communities with some degree of control over where and when alcohol is sold and consumed; smokefree policies that contribute to less smoking/vaping in public place and education programmes that support the above as well as supporting healthy eating and exercise choices.”